Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Status Updates

I'm sure many of you recently read about the now ex-Philadelphia Eagles staff member that was fired over his overzealous Facebook Status Update - yes, the one that misspelled both 'damn' and 'retarded' in a 4-word phrase/sentence. For those of you that missed it, that would be "Dam Eagles R Retarted"in reference to the release of long-time Eagle great Brian Dawkins being set free on the open market to the Denver Bronocos.

.....Okie Doakie then Dan.

I'm sure he really didn't mean any harm, but for folks that don't understand why he got fired & actually think he should file suit versus the Eagles organization...well...you're probably just as incompetent. Let's face it folks - I don't necessarily agree with it, but would you post that on a Facebook Status Update for your employer (as well as anyone else) to read on a social networking site? Thanks for playing, but you probably wouldn't when push came to shove.

However, one man's trash is another man's treasure and while Facebook and passion for sports led to Dan Leone's demise, I see it as a wonderful opportunity to combine too of my favorite leisure diversions to entertain the masses.

With that I will now borrow some real estate in the minds of today's newsmakers in sports and let you know what their Facebook Status updates look like this evening of March 10th:

Greg Zoubek: Greg would like to know when I can stop icing this thing

Greg Paulus: Greg would like to know when I can stop icing Greg's thing

Mike Krzyzewski: Mike needs to stop shooting ads and start recruiting Division I talent again at the other 3 starting positions

Y.E. Yang: Y.E. won a PGA tour event and I bet you my prize money you don't know what either the Y or the E stand for

Mike Helton: Mike knows that cars wandering aimlessly in circles is no longer gettin'er done

Terrell Owens: Terrell is going to be one cold, windburned mother****** in about 6 months

Shawn May: Shawn hopes his boss didn't see him looking like a fat nancy with a glittery teeshirt on behind the Tarheels bench at the UNC-Duke game

Roy Williams: Roy is screwed if he has to put the ball in Larry Drew II's hands for more than :90 a game

Pat Summitt: Pat is a man baby!

Jim Calhoun: Jim is tired of Pitt and is about to relax in his big bathtub of money

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